Mikaela Källgren

Selected Work
Sweden for UNHCR
Communication concept and campaign showing the horrifying situation for the families that have to flee Ukraine, where two words - Not Delivered – could mean that the worst has happened. Strongly evoking the anguish that can cause a loved one, not knowing the reason for that message failure and fearing the worst.
Communication Concept
/ Art Direction
A new communication concept and launch campaign created for real estate agent Mäklarhuset. How do you know when it’s time to move on? Well, a street parking ticket could be a sign. Or a bathroom door, locked yet again when you really need to go. Or a positive pregnancy test. When creating the communication for Mäklarhuset we wanted to bring those moments and life situations to the surface as signs that it might be time to move, literally.
Beckmans College of Design
Visual Concept
/ Art Direction
Concept communicating the Beckmans Product Design students’ participation in Stockholm Furniture Fair. The concept “In Transit” is about travelling through the creative process. It takes twists and turns, it has highs and lows, but somehow it always gets us in the right direction.
Visual Identity
/ Digital design
Website and Visual Identity for Axsol, a part of Axel Johnson Group. An investment company that builds and develops companies in the solar energy sector.
Ruth & Joanna
E-commerce / UX & UI
Known for their luxurious furniture pieces, Ruth & Joanna were seeking a fresh digital presence that not only showcased their products but also conveyed the essence of the brand. The objective was to create a new e-commerce site and establish a digital style guide that harmonized with their already existing brand idenity.
Visual concept
A lightweight identity and concept for Urberg, Outnorth’s own private label. The design balances harmony with a sense of adventure, inspired by nature’s organic shapes. It reflects Urberg’s core mission: to make outdoor life more accessible and enjoyable.
Visual Concept
Statistically, every second Swede have unused electronics filling up their drawers. Items that once entertained us has become worthless at an increasing pace. But are they really worthless? Re-start is an initiative created to shed light on our forgotten electronics and give them new life and meaning.
Visual Concept
A new identity with a design focusing on the valuable conversation between brands and people. Soultech is a B2B SaaS platform for brands to interact with their end-customers in third party messaging channels.
Svenskt Tenn
Textile design
Artwork for the collaborative exhibition Transformation between Beckmans College of Design, Svenskt Tenn, and The Beijer Institute. The exhibition aimed to raise awareness of marine environmental issues and seafood production. My contribution, titled Tack för maten" (=Thank you for the meal), comprises a tablecloth designed to spark conversation and encourage discussions about our oceans. The illustrations draw inspiration from the ecosystem services provided by the ocean – the invaluable treasures it continues to offer.